What We Do

We enjoy lots of great extracurricular programs such as swim lessons at Tukwila pool,  Soccer lessons at Star Fire Facility, and Gymnastics at Aryal’s gym. We also have a wonderful Preschool program that is a high-quality, professionally-designed early learning program that creates enthusiasm for learning and builds school readiness skills. The monthly activity kits provide educators and parents with strategies for children with various developmental needs, experiences, and diverse culture. Activities and assessment materials are aligned with early learning standards. Benefits of professional preschool curriculum materials builds school readiness skills. Each month, your child will participate in activities related to two educational themes. He or she will also be introduced to three alphabet letters, one color, two to three numbers, and one shape each month through a variety of engaging, hands-on activities.

You will receive a copy of our Newsletter each month. This resource includes a few ideas to reinforce the monthly themes, letters, numbers, colors and shapes. It also includes a few songs, Spanish words, a recipe, and some helpful web sites. You may wish to gather some of the suggested book titles to share with your child at home as well.

Sign language and Spanish are taught in a casual fun way along with our Preschool / toddler Circle time.

Daily Routine

6:00 – 8:00am: Arrival/Free Play
8:20 – 8:30am: Wash hands for breakfast
8:10 – 9:00am: Breakfast  (Free play for children not eating breakfast)
8:30 – 9:20am: Free play
9:20 – 9:25am: Clean up
9:30 – 10:00am: Circle Time *alternate activity looking at books
10:00 – 10:45am: Preschool
10:45 – 11:50am: Free play/outdoor play weather permitting
11:50 – 12:00pm: Clean up/Wash hands for lunch
12:00 – 1pm: Lunch
1 – 3:00pm: Rest time
3:00 – 3:30pm: Bathroom/Wash hands for snack
3:30 – 3:45pm: Snack
3:45 – 4:00pm: Wash hands/Snack clean up
4:00 – 5:30pm: Free play/outdoor play weather permitting

Mondays – Swim Lessons
Wednesday – Soccer
Fridays – Gymnastics

Preschool and Circle Time are done on these days with the children who do not go to the extra Curricular Activities.

Extra Curricular Activities

Aryal’s Gymnastics
Aryal’s Gymnastics is a great program for kids to learn balance, coordination, and flexibility in a safe and fun environment. Children will enjoy a structured 45 minute class to explore obstacle courses, trampoline, basic tumbling, hand eye coordination games and don’t forget bubbles and stamps.

Tukwila Pool
In swim lessons your child will learn to swim in a fun and safe environment. The swim lessons teach children how to swim on their own, develop good swimming technique, build endurance, and learn water and boating safety.

Star Fire Sports
In our Little Soccer classes, students begin learning soccer fundamentals and team dynamics while refining their gross motor skills and cognitive development through sorting and organizing activities. We will practice dribbling, passing and shooting on goal and engage in team-oriented games including soccer scrimmages and relays. Little SKOT is a great way to encourage social development and communication.

Loving Hands ChildCare Preschool, 11th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98106
phone: (206) 763-7047 | email:

2024 - Loving Hands Childcare Preschool | website by Origin Web Design